What is Cubism, and Why is It Important?

Fractured planes, distorted anatomy, geometric explosions — it all sounds chaotic, but really, these are some of the hallmarks of the most influential art movement in the early 20th century. A radical departure from traditional representation in art and a reinvention of form: Cubism. But what exactly is this avant-garde style, and why did it […]
Fibonacci’s Hidden Code: Uncovering the Mathematics Behind Classical Art

In the realm of art, beauty often hides a secret, and the world of mathematics can be an unassuming yet powerful accomplice. If you’re a regular follower of Paul Kirby & robot painter Dulcinea’s art, the fusion of art and science is something you’re well aware of — but did you know that the classical […]
5 of the Most Influential Paintings of All Time

Throughout history, certain paintings have captured the essence of what it means to be human, rippling through time, resonating with audiences across generations, and leaving indelible marks upon the world of art. These classic masterpieces, as beautiful as they are famous, have all transcended boundaries, provoked countless discussions, and redefined artistic conventions. Today, we look […]
What is Surrealism, and Why is It Important?

Melting clocks, Victorian businessmen with bird heads, and pipes that aren’t pipes… are these elements from some strange dream, or subjects from one of the most recognizable art movements? The answer is: both. Welcome to Surrealism, where dreams and reality coexist and transform our perceptions. What are the roots and meaning behind this wild movement, […]
What is Modern Art, and Why is It Important?

“Modern art” is a term frequently used – and often incorrectly. What does the overarching umbrella of modernism in art encompass, and what does it mean? Read on to discover what modern art is, how modern art can inspire you, and how it paved the way for unprecedented artistic expression and experimentation. Table of Contents […]
Behind the AI; Beyond the Painting: Impressionist

How does a single color affect the colors around it? Perhaps the question seems odd, though it is a thought that has wracked the art world since the study of artistic matters began. It was a chief concern of the Impressionist movement, and also part of the inspiration behind Paul Kirby and Dulcinea’s painted work […]
Behind the AI; Beyond the Painting: Capriccio

Capriccio: the artistic term for where architectural structure meets and is transformed by an element of fantasy. Etymologically, the word comes from the old Italian word to describe “unpredictable movement.” Do you feel the movement of Capriccio? Discover how Paul Kirby and robotic painter Dulcinea drew on classical painting styles and palettes, alongside modern computing […]
Inspiring Innovations Spotlight: The New York School

America – a country with no artistic merit or significance. At least, that’s how it used to be seen. During the Renaissance, Florence, Italy, was the artistic capital of the Western World. The Académie des Beaux-Arts shifted that capital to Paris during the 19th Century. America, despite producing paintings and artistic groups of much merit […]
What is Impressionism – And Why is It Important?

What is the function of a painting? Is a canvas meant to tell a defined and dramatic narrative, utilizing the most realistic forms… or can a painting merely be meant to capture the feeling of a moment before it yields to time? Today, with abstract art of all sorts and postmodern reinterpretations of artistic meaning, […]
What is Abstract Art – And Why is It Important?

Abstract art… you probably love it, hate it, or find it frustrating. It’s one of the most easily-recognizable and wide-spread art forms, and most of Paul Kirby and Dulcinea’s paintings are, themselves, works of abstraction. But… isn’t it just paint thrown on a canvas? Abstract art can be intimidating and perplexing. It can also be […]