How to Solve a Problem: Unleashing the Power of First Principles Thinking

For humans, problems are universal and inevitable. They come in various shapes and sizes, testing our resilience and creativity. While the word “problem” may carry negative connotations, it’s helpful to remember that every problem is an opportunity in disguise – a chance for growth, iteration, innovation, and discovery. Challenges and problems are what led modern […]
7 Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp

Your brain may not be a muscle – but to get the most out of it, you need to work it like a muscle. Cognitive skills need to be flexed if you want them to stay healthy or improve, and “thinking really hard” doesn’t cut it. Don’t worry – you don’t need to take a […]
4 Practices for Better Critical Thinking

Fusioneering and Critical Thinking The journey to becoming a truly successful fusioneer is complex – and no single path, whether you’re Paul Kirby or Leonardo da Vinci, is the “right” way to fusioneer. Any two given fusioneers may be entirely different individuals, with entirely different personalities, working in entirely different fields. What, then, are the […]