How to Battle & Avoid Burnout

Modern life is increasingly fast-paced, often involving more time devoted to gardening than smelling the flowers. With so much to think about and do, it’s no wonder that burnout has become an increasingly prevalent issue, affecting individuals across all walks of life. Whether you’re juggling multiple responsibilities at work, managing a hectic schedule at home, […]
Virtual Art Galleries: The Future of Accessible Art

Art is made to be experienced. The ideal way to view a painting is up-close and in a way that allows the audience to be present with the work — and while technology and digital advancements are often seen as barriers to “true art viewing,” modern advancements are actually bringing art to the people in […]
Inventor Paul Kirby’s Recommended Reading

Are you looking for inspiration to fuel your creative fusions and groundbreaking ideas? Look no further than the recommended book list from modern innovator Paul Kirby. As an accomplished artist, inventor, and robot designer, Paul has spent years exploring the STEM and art worlds learning how to inspire himself and others to live their passions. […]
How to Find What Inspires You

At the Kirby Foundation, inspiration is the name of the game. Paul Kirby has devoted himself to fostering inspiration and creativity in people throughout the world, all because he’s seen firsthand the power of the inspired mind. The process of being inspired has been found to boost creativity and productivity, as well as helping transcend […]
What is a Growth Mindset, and How Can it Help You?

Do you often think about your potential? Do you know what you’re capable of? When you consider these things, do you feel that there’s a limit to your abilities… a bar that can’t be passed? What if what was holding you back wasn’t any perceived limitations of your skills or intellect, but was actually a […]
How to Intrinsically Motivate Yourself

Some work, like doing laundry or mowing the lawn, is relatively quick and comes with an evident, immediate reward (e.g. clean clothes to wear or a great-looking plot of grass). Other forms of work can be an exhausting battle, with little to show at the end of the day. Dopamine rewards from long-term grinds are […]
The Science of Inspiration

In ancient times, it had many names. Your genius, your muse, your daemon – the spirit that follows and guides you, the ethereal manifestation of your as-yet-unrealized potential. Today, we call the concept inspiration. The inherent power of inspiration – and its incredible benefits to creativity and productivity – were well-known, and often deified, by […]
How to Get Out of a Rut

Have you ever felt trapped in your own life? Have the meticulously crafted routines and patterns of your day-to-day become the bars of a cage? Does every day feel the same? You’re caught in a rut: a frustrating, depressive stand-still built not only from monotony but from a lack of fulfillment. You probably erected a […]
5 Easy Ways to Increase Productivity in Your Daily Life

Is something keeping you from being your very best? Do you feel like you’re losing time in your day? Do you feel like you could be a little more efficient at reaching your goals – whether for work or your dreams? You’re in the right place, and you’re about to get a lot more done. […]
Five Tips to Make New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Keep

The New Year is here, and it’s an exciting time for reflection and renewal. However, it’s also the time of year when you might see one of the countless studies echoing that a whopping 80% of New Year’s resolutions don’t make it past January. It can be hard to jump into making more resolutions if […]