
Step into the world of Fusioneering, where inspiration shines a light on what you never thought possible.

Inspired by his many interests in art, science, and technology, Paul Kirby strived to combine his passions into a singular vision: an automated robot that paints original artwork with the dexterity and skill of a human hand. Brushstroke chronicles Paul’s unique journey and what can happen when you dare to chase your dreams.

Paint Room

Experience The Art and the Creativity Behind the Canvas

Timbers Painting

24,785 Brush Strokes to Make ‘The Timbers’ Painting.

Fusing Art & Science

Discover Fusioneering and the FUSE Pathway

Dive into Paul’s youtube channel for a valuable collection of inspiring videos!

More Ways to Get Inspired

Discover the FUSE Method of Fusioneering

Meet the Original Fusioneer, Paul Kirby