The Passions Assessment Quiz
Discover where you are on your journey to fulfillment
In a world where traditional career paths and life trajectories no longer hold the same allure, people are increasingly seeking alternative routes to fulfillment and success.
The FUSE Pathway rewrites what’s possible with a framework designed to guide you toward breaking from convention and finding a new way to live, structure a career, reach your greatest potential and love what you are doing.
Passions Assessment
The first step to living the life you are meant to live is gaining an understanding of where you are on your journey today.

Meet the creator of the FUSE Pathway,
Paul Kirby

Although he didn’t know it at the time, Paul Kirby has lived on the FUSE Pathway since 1977. After earning a degree in engineering at U.C. Berkeley and serving as an officer in the U.S. Air Force, he attended Harvard Business School. There, a self-assessment revealed his unique interests in the theoretical and esthetic domains. With a vision to merge technology and art, Paul experimented and spent his weekends building his first painting robot in 1980 – 1981, while working at Hewlett-Packard.
Years later, after a successful career in venture capital, a Leonardo da Vinci exhibit reignited his passion of combining technology and art. He spent the next 25 years building his painting robot, Dulcinea, creating art and living within the joy of his fused passions.
One day, while giving a tour of his studio to a group of at-risk high school students, Paul was overwhelmed by their enthusiasm for what he was doing. He realized that he had a responsibility to share what he has done to excite and inspire others to follow their own dreams. This led to the formulation of the non-profit, The Kirby Foundation and The FUSE Pathway. He now dedicates his life to guiding people toward finding their own unique paths, pursuing their dreams, and living fulfilling lives.